General Update 1

I am still playing around with stuff, in the game every now and then. I have been looking to expand the size of the levels. Initially all went well, but then had some bug issues. Not sure if I am running out of RAM or not, as the new level sizes need more RAM to work. One issue with the Gameboy advanced, is it has different RAM stores for you to use, I have been storing the expanded level level Map in EWRAM, which is the largest store on the GBA. The Levels have also been made dynamic in nature, as I would like to have a maximum size in level wall blocks, but have the freedom to have an actual level be smaller and maybe rectangular in nature - not fill the maximum size. Anyway the levels are designed in blocks, which are 32x32 pixels in size, this then needs to be converted into 8x8 pixel tileparts and put in the the Level Map array, which allows for tileparts to be scrolled in and out of the viewable screen. The first level plays fine, but when advancing to the next level the game sometimes crashes. One issue I also have, is I am using a SoundLibrary that I didn't write, so I don't know if this is also using some EWRAM and also I have other objects using EWRAM, so i maybe running out of space. I will probably look at shrinking the size down, until the issue goes away, as I don't really have any means to get a full picture of how much RAM is being used here. Must be a happy medium somewhere; where I can have slightly bigger more dynamic level shapes and sizes, but still have everything else. I am also looking to add Super Sonic like character into the game at some point, this wont be an issue as the graphics are all in ROM, and just get copied to the location that the player's graphics tiles are expected to be.

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