RingDash SNES - The Backstory

This is the first big project that i have completed for the Super Nintendo and is based on the code from the previous GameBoy Advance version. The game is coded in C and uses pvsneslib libraries to convert C to the 65c816 cpu. If you are interested in coding on the Super Nintendo then I suggest you check out my Youtube channel 'Retro C game programming' for more info on that. The main reason to create a SNES version, is that the SNES has so much going for it, like its range of colours and different graphics modes. The specific reason, is that the SNES supports a unique tilemode, which allows 16x16 pixel tiles, instead of the normal 8x8 tiles. Most consoles before the N64, Playstation only allowed for tile graphics, which normally used only 8x8 tiles. As the Super Nintendo had a 16x16 tilemode, it meant I could create the whole levels in a tilemap, without the need to code a complex scrolling engine. This is one of the key reason's I ported this game over to the SNES, also it uses the same colour ranges in its palettes as the GBA and DS. So I can easily port images between those systems. One thing I have noticed though, is that you need to be careful how much you try and do on the SNES as its prone to slowing down alot. The speed was something I was worried I may fail on, but I think I have managed to get the game running at a decent speed. It doesn't feel any slower than the GBA version. I also created a completely new set of sprites for the launch of the game, for the Mario character as I didn't like the look of the previous spritesheets out there. I will also need to do this for Princess Peach as there isn't any real games with her in to use as templates.

I have also noticed that the colours look different on a real SNES when being played on a TV. They appear slightly darker, so I will need to adjust the colours again for the full game launch later in November.


RingDashDemo.html Play in browser
Oct 27, 2024
RingDashDemo.sfc 256 kB
Oct 27, 2024

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Nice one! Good job!

2025 there will be a gamejam for the SNES:
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