Super RingDash is finished :)

The final character has just been added to the game now, 'Silver the hedgehog'. This has taken me longer than expected, to create all the new players I said I would add. I only got a couple of requests from people when asked, who I should add. It may have not been such a good idea to do this. There was more feed back on the GBA RingDash game, but I guess that was because it was a free game, and only a few people at the time of writing this had bought a copy of the game. I will make it free later in the year, on its official release birthday and maybe at that point I will get some proper feedback in the comments from players. This was just a test project to see how it would go trying to sell new Super Nintendo games, I thought it was a bit more interesting than the Goomba Breakout game, but still had few takers. But I didn't do any advertising so maybe that could be a thing also or maybe owners of the Super Nintendo won't actually buy downloadable roms for the machine. Anyway I am going to run this test again, but next on the 3DS and also on PC, and see how they go. The 3DS will mirror the SNES version, but with a few little tweeks, where as the Desktop version may include the ability to add your own levels and players. Which is something I can't do with the Retro Consoles. Coding wise, expanding the ROM for the SNES and including new players has been fairly easy, thanks to PVSnesLib's ability to load in binary files, via assembly headers. Each new spritesheet is exported into a binary format which is laid out in exactly how the PPU wants to see the spritetiles, so I can just replace one player for another and their palette with relative ease. The game took longer to finish due to having to investigate each player I intended to add, as I was not aware how Sonic and Mario had advanced since the 16bit era. Thankfully Spriters Resource has lots of games graphics sheets, for me to get ideas from, but it was still a challenge to reduce player graphics to fit into the 32x32 pixel limits i had set myself. Well that is it for Super RingDash Duo, let me know if you would like to know more about how the game was developed for the SNES? It was all coded in 'C', I didn't need assembly at all.
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Super RingDash
SNES RingDash
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Cool, i will definitely look into the finished version again soon. I'm curious how much has changed.
I really hope you will not turn your back on SNES programming. The humble SNES homebrew community needs people like you :) Maybe you can join the upcoming jam?
Every addition is welcome, even the smallest game. Maybe this time as a team project to save some time?
Thanks. Mainly just graphics being added, as well as the bonus timer. I will release other projects for the SNES in the future, when they fit with its abilities. It has a lot to offer, and as an owner of a SNES, I do enjoy putting new stuff onto it.