Released In to the Wild

Finally I have released the game, I was hoping for an earlier release, but was having issues with my music tracks on the SNES's sound chip. It would play fine in Schism tracker, but would randomly clip off certain notes. This meant I had to swap out Instrument sounds, for others and in some cases play around with changing frequencies and loop lengths. But I am happy with my new music tracks and the beats i added to them, I hope people like them. I have also learnt a lot more about using Schism Tracker in the process. Graphics wise, some tilesets, looked good on the PC but too dark on the actual SNES and vice versa. So a bit of testing graphics on emulators and then testing it on my SNES to make sure it looked ok, but it could just be my TV. If people have issues with some tilesets, I can always alter their colour brightness. I also designed a shuffle mode for the levels, which I had a few issues with, but I solved that eventually. The problem there, is that the level sizes are dynamic, so each time a new level is selected, I first need to read the level data, to get its dimensions and then do another pass of the map to read the actual tiles, to draw it to the backgrounds. Thinking about it now, I guess I could have just added the sizes to a look up table array, but it all works now anyway. This was my most ambitious SNES game to date, I have a couple I haven't released but none were as demanding as this one. I think I am cutting it fine with the speed and amount of action, that I am demanding of the SNES's CPU in this one. One thing that causes a bit of a slow down, is copying or updating parts of the large map in VRAM, as it takes up 8k and needs to be copied in, in parts. This is the issue with the NTSC version I was working on. It would run out of time. I now look forward to seeing if anyone want's any new characters adding.


RingDashR.sfc 448 kB
Nov 23, 2024

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